Announcement : 



Curriculum Presentation – Writing

Writer’s Toolbox

Writer’s Toolbox is a writing programme based on the Hunter Writing System. It is a whole-school method for teaching writing that is focused on the belief that every child can be taught to write well. This writing programme has seen noticeable improvement rates in writing in primary and secondary environments, and we are excited to be in the midst of our Writer’s Toolbox journey. We have already seen some improvements in attitude and achievement in writing since the beginning of this journey in 2020.

Staff are regularly attending Professional Development sessions through Writer’s Toolbox and have so far focused on Sentence Types, the Sentence Train, Expansion, and Paragraph Styles. Our Teacher Only Day on 7th June 2022 was spent doing Writer’s Toolbox Paragraph Workshops. Precision is an upcoming focus.

Our student voice is very positive in regards to their learning in Writer’s Toolbox. “I really like it. It’s probably one of my most favourite subjects. I like reading people’s writing.” (Year 6 student) “I like it. I think I’m good at it.” (Year 3 Student.) “I like writing because it makes me reflect on my weekend. When I do free writing, it makes me think about other things. It helps with my imagination” (Year 3). We have noticed an increase in student opinion regarding their own writing, that they enjoy writing more and feel like they are making progress and achieving their success criteria. 

Writer’s Toolbox is helping our teachers become even better at teaching writing and is helping our students become better and more confident writers. It provides a clear framework and pathway to help ensure success in literacy for all students and staff.

If you are interested in finding out more, here is a link to the Writer’s Toolbox website: