Announcement : 


Term 4 – Chess Lessons

Term 4 Chess Lessons

Playing chess develops self-confidence, concentration and problem-solving skills. We are really pleased to continue a Chess Coaching Programme at our school and look forward to bringing the excitement, competition and educational benefits of chess to our children.

Why Chess?

  • Improve concentration and focus
  • Develop important life skills – fair play and decision making
  • Tactical & Strategic thinking
  • Prepare for Chess Tournaments against other schools
  • Develop a love of chess, of learning and of thinking

What happens in a Chess Power Coaching Programme?

Each session starts with a formal lesson; all players will learn a new strategy, idea or skill each week. Then they put those skills into practice with activities and games. All games are monitored and supervised by the coach who provides individual feedback along the way.

Throughout the programme, we reward kids that do well and encourage and support kids that are struggling. At completion of the programme we recognise each child with a certificate based on their performance.

Where can I learn more?     Visit our website and click Parents Centre

Class Details (Term 4) – This is a 9-week chess coaching program running on Fridays from 16 October 2020 untill 11 December 2020 from 9:45 – 10:45am.

The fee will be $110/student for the term. The sessions will be held in Library.


Both registration and payment can be done online –