Announcement : 


Community Update – 28 August 2020

Kia ora koutou

We’re looking forward to welcoming all our students and staff back at school on Monday following the return to Alert Level 2. Our health and safety plan is in place as it has been under every alert level, and you can be assured we’ll continue doing everything we can to keep children safe.

At home, please continue with good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette, appropriate physical distancing when out and about and keeping your child home if they are sick.

Face coverings are another way we can help keep ourselves and others safe. The Prime Minister has announced that face coverings will be required on public transport from next Monday, at Alert Level 2 and above. This does not apply to any child who is under 12 years of age and does not apply to school transport (we have good systems in place to manage safety on school transport).

Public Health officials have advised that children under the age of 6 should not wear face coverings.

Children and young people do not need to wear face coverings at school. Other public health control measures are in place including children and staff staying home if they are sick, contact tracing, and hygiene requirements.

If your child doesn’t need to wear a face covering but they want to, that’s fine.

We’re continuing contact tracing by having QR code posters at our entrances, so please check in every time you come onsite.

If you haven’t already downloaded the NZ COVID Tracer app the Ministry of Health’s website has information to help you do that. We’ll also keep a visitor register for anyone who doesn’t have the app, and also for anyone who comes onsite for a period of time. This will help us with contact tracing in the unlikely case it is needed.

For more information about public health measures at Alert Level 2 you can visit the COVID-19 website, and if you have any questions about next week please get in touch.

See you on Monday!

Ngā mihi


Letter to Community-Alert level 2.pdf