Announcement : 


Principal’s Update – 7 September 2021

07 September 2021

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau, 

I hope you are all keeping safe and well in your bubbles. As you will be aware from yesterday’s announcement, the rest of New Zealand (North and South of the Auckland boundary), will move to alert level 2 tonight at 11.59pm. We in Auckland remain at alert level 4 and these restrictions will be reviewed by the Government next Monday, 13 September 2021.

A few parents have raised the question of whether the upcoming school holidays will be moved as they were in 2020. The situation is a little different this time around and we have been advised by the Ministry of Education that they are not currently planning to do the same this year.

Today I just want to share with you a couple of generic notices:

Learning Resources – Well done to all of our families for managing the online learning environment. If any of you are interested in some different (hard copy) resources then these can be picked up outside the school office tomorrow between 12.00-1.00pm. Please wear gloves and a mask and observe social distance rules if other people are there at the same time as you. 

ICAS – The ICAS sitting window has been extended until 26 November 2021. We will communicate exact dates with you closer to the time.

GYM Kids – The GYM Kids programme for 2021 has been cancelled. Parents who paid the cost of this programme will receive a credit of the amount paid to their KINDO account. If you paid by cash at the school office, we will look into this for you once we are able to be back on-site and arrange a refund for you.

Knowledge-athon – The Knowledge-athon will be rescheduled for early in Term 4. We will let you know the new date once this has been set.

Coding NZ – Coding NZ is offering a free 1 hour tutored online coding lesson for students in years 5 to 10. Please click here for more details.

Parent’s Online Workshop – A workshop run by The Happiness Club is available on Wednesday 15th September from 7.30-8.30pm and provides tools to help you support your child’s mental and emotional wellbeing. Please click here for more information.

Please take care and let us know if there is anything you need to support you and your children.

Ngā mihi nui,

Raewyn Matthys-Morris
