Announcement : 


Notices for families – 25 August 2021

25 August 2021

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whānau, 

I hope you are all keeping safe and well in your bubbles. A couple of notices for you today:

Board Meeting – A reminder of the Board of Trustees meeting happening tonight at 6.00pm via Zoom. Please contact Jo at if you wish to attend.

Sports – We are now in the situation that all AAIMS Zone and Interzone competitions are suspended until Auckland returns to Level 1. This relates to all NorWest Year 5-8 competitions. Additionally, the Northwest Cross Country has been postponed until a later date. The Massey Rippa Rugby competition that was due to be held on Thursday, 26 August 2021 will also not go ahead on this date. We will keep you updated on the future outcome of these events.

Disco – The PTA disco scheduled for next Thursday, 02 September 2021 has been postponed.

Kindo – As you will be aware ezlunch is currently closed at school. If you would like to be kept updated on their latest information you can follow them on

We know some families in our community may be finding it difficult to access food and essential items such as medicine. The attached document provides information on how to access food or essential items and summarises the support systems that are available, including financial help to buy food. There is also some additional information attached specific to West Auckland. Please do take care and let us know how we can best support you and your whānau. 

You can go to the website if you would like more information on Alert Level 4 requirements. 

As always, please let us know if there is anything you need to support you and your children during this time.

Ngā mihi nui,


Raewyn Matthys-Morris


Access to food and essential items – West Auckland.pdf