Announcement : 


Notices for parents – first week of school

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau,

Currently Airport Road is closed due to significant road works being completed. We have been advised that this will continue for all of next week and therefore there will be no vehicle access to School this week when the children return for interviews and the first two days of school. Families will need to use Tamatea Ave to access the main carpark and use the sign posted pedestrian access/walkway to get to school. This will be an extremely busy time in the carpark, with lots of small children around, so we ask that you be extra cautious and we thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Reminder – Prestart interviews will be held on Wednesday, 03 February 2021 between 8.30am and 5.00pm. Interviews can be booked online at using the code kkx78

secondhand uniform sale will be held at school on Wednesday morning, 03 February 2021 from 8.15-9.15am. The PTA would like to thank families who have donated uniform items. They also welcome continued uniform donations. 

The first day of school is Thursday, 4 February 2021. There will be a Welcome Pōwhiri at 9.15am on this day, which you are all invited to attend. 

Sports Team Registrations – Attached is the sports enrolment information for 2021. Please note that registrations must be received prior to 3.00pm on Wednesday, 10 February 2021.

As you will be aware there have been some recent community cases of Covid-19 in the Auckland Area. As New Zealand remains at Alert level 1 and everyone is doing the right thing to prevent the spread of the virus, we’re pleased to say it’s business as usual.

We continue to have a large amount of control over how we can prevent the spread of Covid-19. For Whenuapai School we will:

  • display QR code posters for the NZ COVID Tracer App
  • keep our visitor register, attendance register and timetables up to date
  • be monitoring for illness and asking anyone who is unwell to remain at home, or to go home
  • encourage people with relevant symptoms to seek medical advice through Healthline or their GP and get tested for COVID if recommended to do so
  • reinforce the importance of good hand washing and drying
  • reinforce good cough and sneeze etiquette

We can reassure you that we will continue to regularly clean all parts of our school and keep you advised of any updates.

Lastly a couple of sports notices (lunchtime football and chess club) are attached for your information.

Enjoy the rest of your long weekend.

Ngā mihi,


Jo Wright

Principal’s PA